Researchers believe they have found a way to slow the progress of Alzheimer's disease, one of the leading causes of death among elderly people.
A team from the University of Science and Technology has identified a protein found on the surface of brain cells that they believe causes the disease. They found that when over-activated, the protein EphA4 causes deterioration in learning and memory abilities.
The team has also identified a molecule in the Chinese medicinal herb gou teng (uncaria rhynchophylla) that inhibits the protein's activity.
Developing a drug with the use of the molecule, rhynchophylline, could take another five to 10 years, according to Professor Nancy Ip Yuk-yu, who led the research.
"We hope our method will be able to target early abnormal changes in Alzheimer's patients and can slow the progression of the disease," she said yesterday.
In 2009, Alzheimer's disease affected about 103,000 people in Hong Kong; by 2039 it is expected to affect 332,000. Early symptoms of the disease include memory loss and a decline in thinking abilities. In its advanced stages, the disease can be fatal.
While some drugs target Alzheimer's symptoms, there are none as yet that address its cause, which is not fully understood.
The team has been studying the brain cell protein for more than 10 years. They found that its over-activation impaired the signalling between brain cells.
About three years ago, the team used rhynchophylline to improve the memory of mice.
The researchers used two groups of about 20 mice - one with Alzheimer's, one without. Each group was divided into two - one was fed with rhynchophylline for three to four months and one was not.
The mice were then put into a wading pool that contained a resting platform.
When the platform was later removed, the memory of each mouse was measured by the length of time it stayed in the section of the pool where the platform had previously been placed.
Mice which had Alzheimer's and received the treatment showed improved memory; healthy mice which received the treatment did not improve.
The study was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America last month.
The team is now seeking to work with drug manufacturers and medical schools, and will continue to study the brain cell protein to see whether it plays a role in other diseases.
Ip discouraged patients from eating the herb, saying the levels of rhynchophylline would be too small to have an effect.
HKUST Discovers a Novel Molecular Target and Unveils New Therapeutic Strategy for Alzheimer's Disease
香港科技大學發現新的分子標靶 有助治療阿爾茲海默症
Blockade of EphA4 signaling ameliorates hippocampal synaptic dysfunctions in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease (Reference reading)
香港科技大學發現治療腦退化症新分子靶 - 時事直通車
Hong Kong researchers may have found way to combat Alzheimer's disease
Researchers believe they have found a way to slow the progress of Alzheimer's disease, one of the leading causes of death among elderly people.
A team from the University of Science and Technology has identified a protein found on the surface of brain cells that they believe causes the disease. They found that when over-activated, the protein EphA4 causes deterioration in learning and memory abilities.
The team has also identified a molecule in the Chinese medicinal herb gou teng (uncaria rhynchophylla) that inhibits the protein's activity.
Developing a drug with the use of the molecule, rhynchophylline, could take another five to 10 years, according to Professor Nancy Ip Yuk-yu, who led the research.
"We hope our method will be able to target early abnormal changes in Alzheimer's patients and can slow the progression of the disease," she said yesterday.
In 2009, Alzheimer's disease affected about 103,000 people in Hong Kong; by 2039 it is expected to affect 332,000. Early symptoms of the disease include memory loss and a decline in thinking abilities. In its advanced stages, the disease can be fatal.
While some drugs target Alzheimer's symptoms, there are none as yet that address its cause, which is not fully understood.
The team has been studying the brain cell protein for more than 10 years. They found that its over-activation impaired the signalling between brain cells.
About three years ago, the team used rhynchophylline to improve the memory of mice.
The researchers used two groups of about 20 mice - one with Alzheimer's, one without. Each group was divided into two - one was fed with rhynchophylline for three to four months and one was not.
The mice were then put into a wading pool that contained a resting platform.
When the platform was later removed, the memory of each mouse was measured by the length of time it stayed in the section of the pool where the platform had previously been placed.
Mice which had Alzheimer's and received the treatment showed improved memory; healthy mice which received the treatment did not improve.
The study was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America last month.
The team is now seeking to work with drug manufacturers and medical schools, and will continue to study the brain cell protein to see whether it plays a role in other diseases.
Ip discouraged patients from eating the herb, saying the levels of rhynchophylline would be too small to have an effect.
科大實驗改善老鼠記憶 中藥材鉤藤 腦退化救星
團隊又用老鼠進行「水迷宮實驗」,訓練在水池中尋找定點目標物,在熟悉後再將其取走,觀察老鼠尋找路徑,測試記憶能力。結果顯示,大部份腦退化老鼠,在服用鉤藤鹼4個月後,記憶及學習能力均達正常水平,針對神經反應的電生理測試(Electrophysiological Study)更在三周內回復正常。
團隊未來會尋求與醫學院及藥廠合作,進行臨床試驗及簡化化合物合成程序,預計需5至10年,方可正式作醫療用途。 老年痴呆症協會主席吳義銘表示,現時用於治療腦退化症的藥物作用不大,「有啲用,但唔係好犀利」,只能輕微舒緩如記性差、不能集中精神等症狀。對於新療法,吳稱「聽住先」,因過往有太多類似消息,但多年來始終未有突破。
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