Epileptic Seizures Decoded

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Epileptic Seizures Decoded – HKUST Unravels Mechanism Behind Brain Development

香港科技大學全球首次成功破解 特定蛋白與癲癇症相關疾病發作的訊號機理  


α2-chimaerin controls neuronal migration and functioning of the cerebral cortex through CRMP-2  (Reference reading)  


Study could shed light on causes of epilepsy  

Lack of a particular protein in early brain development might be the root of certain types of epilepsy.

A study by researchers on embryonic mice at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology found that with less of the α2-chimaerin protein, brain cells in early development would not migrate to the correct areas of the brain, and also become hyperactive in firing neurons.

'The brain's neurons form circuitry and fire electric transmissions. You need precise wiring for daily activities ... the consequence if they fail to migrate, if they are impaired, is Lissencephaly, or smooth brain which causes epileptic seizures and mental retardation,' said Jacque Ip Pak-kan, one of the main researchers.

Epilepsy is caused when the brain releases excessive electrical signals causing its normal wiring to go awry. It can be brought on by deformations during early development or by injuries in later life.

In Hong Kong, there are an estimated 40,000 to 70,000 epileptics based on studies by Queen Mary Hospital, and global rates of epilepsy. Around 50 million people worldwide are thought to have the disorder.

'The next step is to think about gene therapy,' said Professor Nancy Ip Yuk-yu who supervised the study, though she declined to say when such treatment could be viable for the public.

The discovery would most probably affect research into focal epilepsy where the seizures start from one part of the brain and spread to others, said Gardian Fong Chung-yan, a clinical neurologist and member of the Hong Kong Neurological Society.

He said there were possibly thousands of causes of the disorder, not just the improper migration of brain cells.

'I can't comment on the study ... but with epilepsy, and with neurology in general, how diseases occur is kind of a mystery. Anything that will help us to learn how a disease develops, if the discovery shows the key processes of the disease, is good,' he said.

The HKUST findings were published in Nature Neuroscience, a well-respected journal in the neuro-science field.


科大發現關鍵基因蛋白 癲癇病人 腦神經細胞走錯位  




她表示研究首度發現「α2-chimaerin」蛋白可調節神經細胞的遷移,是腦癇症病發的關鍵,「呢個蛋白負責將新嘅細胞由出世嘅地方,遷移到正確目的地、即係大腦皮層,但係腦癇症病人因蛋白發揮唔到作用,神經細胞就走錯位,去錯白質( white matter)區域囤積」。她指出有關蛋白未能發揮作用,疑受變種影響,造成的「遷移紊亂」,可令腦部異常活躍及引致腦癇症。



葉玉如表示目前治療腦癇症的藥物,只是抑制腦部過度活躍,並非針對背後的成因用藥,加上現有藥物的副作用多,包括令病人變得呆滯等。她期望今次揭開了腦癇症之謎後,有助日後研發更多有效及具針對性的藥物,甚至基因治療方法。此外,過往曾有研究指「α2-chimaerin」蛋白與自閉症形成有關,研究團隊稍後會邀請自閉症病人提供 DNA(脫氧核醣核酸)樣本,進行相關研究。

特稿 現有藥物不治本 多副作用



醫健:「蛋白」異動 腦癇抽搐元兇  





